Please visit our new website: | Our new head office address: 3rd Floor, DJ - 10 ( WBIIDC Building ), DJ Block, Sector II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700091.

Vision & Mission



  • To be a respected State Owned Corporation in energy business and non-energy mineral sectors in India with due care to nature and society and customer satisfaction.
  • To unearth the mineral resources through intensive exploration and prospecting activities.
  • To extract and mine the minerals with due compliance of the environment protection initiatives.
  • To extract minerals with due adherence to mine safety standards.
  • To secure the availability of minerals to meet the demands of various sectors of economy in a sustainable and cost-effective manner.
  • To make WBMDTC a profit – earning State Government Enterprise so that more meaningful and pro-active initiatives can be taken for exploration and extraction in minerals.
  • To adopt and use technological innovations for scientific exploration and exploitation in minerals.


  • Develop and exploit coal and other non-coal minerals in a Scientific, Economic and Eco-friendly manner for a major contribution to the society and industry.
  • To secure, assist and facilitate the growth and development of mining and mineral based industries and trading activities in West Bengal.
  • scientific e-commerce and efficient manner with due regard to safety, environment and conservation.
  • To explore, mine, crush, smelt, amalgamate and process and market minerals and mineral based products.

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